Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I am NOT obsessed with vampires

So, I am NOT obsessed with vampires! Total fact that I need to share before I continue.
When I was a Sophomore in high school I began watching the series Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It quickly became my favorite show of all's why: Joss Whedon is pretty much a total genius! There are allegories and symbolism that you see in that show that just don't exist on normal television show levels. It's funny, well written, it introduced the world to the consistent, workable over arching story in a tv series idea. And it was come's gotta be good.
So after seeing every episode more times than any human should ever admit to watching any episode of television I was pretty knowledgeable on the subject. I would never say I was into the vampire aspect (although it's what kept consistency and the symbolism alive) I was more into the character development and relationships. Plus, I was totally into the "pretty (feminine) feminist", girl-power idea! The show was awesome...and it wasn't because of vampires.
Then the Twilight saga came out. I was a senior at this point and nearly every kid in my school knew of my Buffy obsession. Well, there was this little sophomore that I was friends with and she kept telling me how I needed to read and would love Twilight. I kept telling her that I didn't read vampire fiction...I still say that now. She eventually gave up on Twilight, but she recommended a bunch of other books to me that I really enjoyed. A few months later she recommended Twilight again. Trusting her taste in books to be extremely compatible with mine I finally read it...what can I say, I was hooked.
Now, I still say that I don't read typical vampire fiction, but these were good. They've never been my favorite books, but they got me reading...and that's kind of hard to do. They move so fast and they're s easy to just pick up and read in a couple days. I really love these books. I did find it ironic that I was reading these (and re-read these) because the relationships paralleled so well with many Buffy relationships. But knowing that Stephenie Meyer didn't ever really watch the show gave me peace of mind. The vampires weren't typical, which was nice.
There are actually quite a few things I dislike about the books. I don't really like how weak Bella is, I understand it, but I don't like it. I also don't like how everyone is still alive at the end...but Meyer said that she wanted the book to be happy...not a downer. Most of all I don't like how Bella gets everything she wants and pretty much lives happily ever after. But after thinking about it for a while I realized that this was exactly the kind of series Meyer wanted to write. She wrote a fairy just so happens that in this one, Prince Charming's got some attitude.
So yes, I am a pretty stereotypical girl, liking Twilight and all, but hey, it's good. And I believe that books that get people reading and wanting to write (like me...I want to write SOOO BAD!) are good. (side note:my mom doesn't really think the books are completely appropriate...she thinks that they give teens permission almost to push the limits of physical passions...but...haha...she couldn't put them down! hahaha) Well, I hope (like, really, really, really, really hope) that Stephenie Meyer will be able to finish Midnight Sun. It sort of disproves my mom's theory of physical passion being the only attraction between Bella and Edward, but also...Edward's point of view is sooooo much more fun to read!
So, once again...I am not obsessed with vampires. (I am, however, obsessed with the drama that can so easily come from fictional relations to and with's awesome!) So...I'm a total nerd, but that's never been news to anyone...and once again, I'm glad no one really reads this! haha

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