Monday, May 4, 2009

My weekend!!!

Ok, so I have had a really really fun weekend!!! First I got to go to my Aunt Jean's house for a couple was nice...I love her (and really loved the time away from roomies and their crazy boyfriends!!!) On Friday I got to go on a date with Chandler. It was an AWESOME last night in Utah. We played phase 10 and Mad Gab (I won phase 10, and girls won Mad Gab...pretty fun) Then we got Del Taco and Slurpees, that was yummy fun! Then we made up a game where we would turn right (in the car) on heads and left on tails using the coin flip thing on my phone. It was way fun. Then we went to this old wearhouse where he used to work and wandered around it...there was no was kind of scary I guess. Yeah, it was a really fun night in Utah.
On Saturday I got on a plane and ended up in San Diego, CA. After being picked up at the airport by my amazing Aunt Leanne I went to see Race to Witch Mountain with my cousins, Marci, Chloe, Claire and Audrey. After buying the tickets and getting pizza, bread sticks, and Icees we had some money left over. We decided to buy a disposable camera and take funny pictures all over Kmart. Its funny, I never thought I'd see the day where someone didn't know how to use a disposable camera...but I guess I'm old or something, but little kids don't even really know what they are anymore. Weird!
After that I took care of Leanne's kids and Claire, Audrey and Lauren. We went to the park, came home, had spaghetti, and played LOTS of Guitar Hero, while Leanne and Cyrus were at the adult session of Stake Conference. Fun night.
Day 2 in CA I went to my third Stake Conference this year. After church Leanne, Chloe and I went to a bunch of places for casual outdoor shots (the real reason I We ended up with a lot of good pics. After that I found out I had a new friend...Liam! He is sooooo fun! I totally LOVE that kid! He just kind of played with me all night. Grant did too, but every once in a while he's just get a little disinterested. Well I played with the two of them (piggy-back rides, spinning them around, flipping them upside down, throwing them on beds and couches, etc.) till it was bedtime. Then we did the formal, studio shots...not as much fun, but Leanne's really good...cuz she made me look really good! hahahaha...then I went to bed.
Then today...I got to spend the morning with Charlotte and Grant, then I helped Leanne clean (realizing just how much Chloe really LOVES HSM...she is just adorable!!!) Then Liam came home from school and he, Grant and I played Guitar Hero. Then I got to help Leanne with some picture stuff, and now I'm here! I'm going home tomorrow (leaving at 10 am and getting there 11 pm...looooong day) and I am so excited to see my family!!!! So that's just about everything!!!


  1. glad you are here amanda.... it's been fun and my kids love you! everyone needs an amanda around...

  2. I am most happy you shared your fun date with Chandler....good job! Everyone loves you not just Liam...they are fun kids. Keep in touch now that you are in Maine. love you, good report. gm
