Monday, December 22, 2008

I'm Back!!!!! hahahahaha

So, has been crazy busy!!! and my computer broke! yuck huh?! I have had awful luck with technology...and my own well being lately....I keep finding my technological stuff (and myself) totally broken! not so fun! hahahahaha So, yeah...hahahaha
I'm home's pretty much freaking AWESOME!!!! I love it anyway! Davis and my dad have FINALLY seen Dr. Horrible...I's about time, huh?! hahahaha well, they loved it just like I knew they would...and now Danny and Evan are always singing the least from part one...that's all they've really seen (but they're so excited that I brought the soundtrack home with me! hahahaha)
Christmas is the best isn't it! I love it! For Christmas I drew pictures of Superheroes for my family. (Dad: Iron Man and Captain America, Mom: Wonder Woman and Catwoman, Davis: Green Arrow, Evan: Green Lantern, Danny: Superman) They all know what they're getting, but that's ok. It's actually kind of amazing that I haven't shown them...I'm so bad with surprises...but they're really cool drawings!!! Like crazy cool!!!! They're at the bottom.
So, cool story kind of: I was working on these pictures in the airport on my way to Maine. I was trying to figure out how to do my Mom's and I had these pictures of Wonder Woman out for reference. So there was this guy sitting a few seats away and he saw the Wonder Woman pics. Weel, apparently his 8 year old daughter is totally obsessed with Wonder Woman. We got talking and, to make a long story short, he asked me to draw one for her. I totally's not everyday I get asked to draw something (well, something that I will actually really enjoy drawing) So he lives in Salt Lake and I just sent him the drawing. I hope she likes it...I LOVE it....I would have loved to keep it!!! He also said he wants me to give his daughter drawing lessons...I don't know if that's gonna happen, but I would seriously love to do that!!!! He liked that I love comic books...and not manga-y stuff..but traditional, oldfashioned-y American huh?!
So, I had a lot of concerts the last couple weeks of school...the Messiah, Temple Square...singing singing singing all the was fun!!! Way fun!!! I also had recitals and juries and fun fun!! So yeah...that's what I've been up to! Fun stuff!!!
~Miss Amanda !!!






And this is the one for the guy I met at the airport

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