Monday, May 3, 2010

The Semester is OVER!!!!

So, today is the first Monday in FOREVER that I haven't had school or plans in the main part of the day (and I just realized that it's the first Monday in forever that I haven't had to be to school at 8:00 AM...ahhhh, bliss!!!!!!)  I have about a week and a half before I have to be back in school so I took today to clean my room (something that still has yet to be done) and dress up in something a little outrageous for my taste.  You see, I bought this AWESOME headband and a pair of HUGE black star earrings, each for a dollar on Saturday (my roommates and I went to the was a BLAST!!!)  and they both just screamed '80s.  I couldn't help but respond to its pleas.  (Yesterday the same thing happened with a hat, bag and was hard to please all three things, let me tell you.)  So with that I pulled out a skirt I usually used as a slip (it's not a slip, it's just silky and has this weird lace on the bottom, so it works really well as one when I need it to), a pair of leggings, my Converse, my Levi jacket and just about every piece of dark, metallic jewelry I own and this is what I ended up with (sorry you can't see the skirt really makes the whole thing make more sense):

I was going for Madonna, but I found that my eyes are far too big and my face is too bad!  And really, the tutu-y skirt, leggings, and Converse make the whole thing make more sense, I promise!

And here's my roommates and me at the mall (Fernanda and Carmen...aren't they soooo pretty!!!!?!)

K, one last pic...check out how SHORT my hair was at the beginning of the!  (I know, it's still short, but I wasn't even able to pull it into pigtails at the beginning of the semester)

Well, that's all...I'm gonna go now.  Bye!



  1. I love seeing you at play. I think your things are just cute. love the necklace. NOW we are coming to Provo tomorrow with Davis - we will call you, he may need a companion for we have meetings. Then Wednesday he enters MTC at 1:00 and we want you to go with us if it is possible. we will be in touch. love and can't wait till Davis gets here this evening. gm

  2. My silly girl! I got Madonna as soon as I saw the first question. But, as you know, I did the same when I was in college. I love you! Mom
