Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Busy is much more fun than the alternative!!!!!

Busy day today!!! I got one of my tests back today...A-, not too bad (especially considering that I only missed 1 and most of the class got B's and C's) I also realized that I have a Master Class performance tomorrow and don't have a song ready...So after I'm done at school I have to go home, do the dishes (they haven't been done for a while and I'm generally the only one who does them cuz I like having an empty kitchen sink), clean my room (I couldn't find my keys this morning so I tore it apart...they were in yesterday's jeans), find and practice a song to performance level, go to the Draper temple open house, go to work, and finish my homework....and probably in that order...I'm excited for today and have been for a few weeks....and I'm way happy to have a long shift as opposed to the shorter ones I've been scheduled lately at work.
The weather's pretty nice...I've been tempting fate by not wearing a jacket to school or work...but I've found that it might not have been the greatest idea (I think I'm getting sick)...but really, who cares...the sun is out and I'm not freezing...I believe that's cause for celebration, so I do as the Utahans do...shorts and T-shirts in 45 degrees and above...but if I totally wanted to fit in I'd wear flip flops too, but I don't own yeah...Amazing day! I'm way excited!!!

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