Saturday, February 21, 2009

Rejection is just part of life....but why does it have to be a frequent part?!

So this week has been rather filled with rejection and trials! It's good tho, hard but good! I had a Spanish test (probably got a B or maybe a little lower :( that class is the hardest one for me!) I also had a Music Theory test and an opera diction IPA (International Pronunciation Alphabet) test (easy A's!!!)!!! I had those three tests and found out I didn't make it into the Institute night on Broadway talent show and I auditioned for a scholarship I won't get...I'm not being pessimistic, I just know I won't get it...don't try tho argue the point with me...I just know!!! It's been a hard week to stay happy and positive...well, some of the time!

I've had so many blessings this week!!! My scholarship money finally came in, I got a check for $50 from grandma for memorizing the Proclamation (which I am so so so so so so so so so SO grateful for!!!), $35 from my new voice student (I gave her her first lesson this's so good to have a student again!!!!), I got paid from work this week, I still have a clean room, and I've made a few new friends! So yeah, the devastation of not being as successful as I would like to be was only (as it always is) temporary! Plus if a few rejections make me quit, then what on earth am I doing majoring in music anyway?!

Oh, also I'm writing this book...a trilogy...I'm so excited (and I am going to prove to everyone who thinks I'm too distracted all the time to actually write a book that they're wrong!!!) well, I'm writing this book and I'm just about done with the outline for the first book (character development and interaction is so freaking hard!!!) but I have some friends that look kind of like some of the characters in my when Spring comes around we're gonna (k, don't laugh) have a photo shoot sort of thing for my book....I know it might sound a little lame, but in between every chapter of my book is an issue of a comic and I need practice drawing people, and if I have references for how to draw people in action and the shadows that happen in different light it'll really help...I also want to have a reason to use my camera and practice photography! So I'm excited!!! K, yeah, that's all...I'm kind of odd, I know, but hey, the most successful people in the world are kinda weird it's ok!!!


1 comment:

  1. You're too funny! I always read your blog with a smile on my face. Glad your optimistic! Looks like you do have quite a few things going your way! how fun to be teaching voice. That's pretty cool. Keep up the good work.
