Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 2? no 3? wait...this is week 4!!!

So time flies by here.  That first week went by so slow and now all the older district is getting their flight plans this Thursday!!!  It's crazy...I'm going to miss them so much.  Let me just tell you a little about them.  First there's Sister Richardson.  she's the coordinating sister of the zone.  she is so sweet and so pretty and gracious.  The Elders in her district call her mom...it's kind of funny.  She's a dancer and she is just wonderful.  She is in my room with the other sisters in my district and her companion sister Myrick (pronounced just like it looks: my-rick).  She is also pretty awesome.  She knows SO much vocabulary...like SO much!!!  She's funny too...always cracking really dry jokes.  She's convinced that one day she'll marry an Asian...it's pretty funny listening to her talk about it.  And then there's sister McComber and Sister Nelson.  They are in the room next door and they have such a special place in my heart.  Sister McComber is the branch chorister and she is just about the friendliest, happiest sister in the whole world.  Oh, I just love her so much!  And her companion, sister Nelson, is just this little ball of sunshine wherever she goes.  She really likes pretending she's angry all the time, but she is just about the HAPPIEST little blond haired blue eyed person!!!!  We also have Sister Brady, who reminds me so much of my friend Ruthie it's crazy, and Sister Mecham, who is always saying something really funny and never accepting of praise for it, who both came the same day as my companion and me and are in our district.  We also got our natives!!!!!!!  They are so so cute.  There's Sister Lee, perfect tiny Korean girl who is just so nice and so sweet, Sister Jeon (I think that's how you spell it in English) who is just the quintessential gorgeous asian...with freckles!  And then Sister Nam, so funny!!!  she is always getting embarrassed for one reason or another but she is so outgoing and so friendly but also so shy...she is ADORABLE!!!  Oh, I wish you could meet these sisters!!!  The Elders in our zone are pretty fantastic as well.  I don't know them as well, and I really don't know any of the natives (there are six...and they are a blast.  We took temple pictures on Sunday...it was sooooo fun!!!) But I do know the ones in my district, elder Finlinson and Elder Gillis...they are so great.  They still don't know how they feel being outnumbered by Sisters...even more so when they older districts have left.  But they're really great!  And one of the other districts has Elder Miller, Elder Messick, and Elder Porter.  Elder Miller has spent most of his life living in Tokyo and he was actually a model for Gap out there...mainly due to the fact that he's white!  hahaha, it's great!  We've had fun talking about Japan!!!  And then Elder Messick, he is from California and is pretty cool.  I honestly don't know him that well though.  Elder Porter has lived in Utah all his life, first up near Logan and now in St. George.  He has been EVERYWHERE!  It kind of makes me a little jealous.  His sister is also an artist and just got featured in some sort of European fashion/art magazine.  Pretty cool.  The other district has Elder Ward, Elder Jones, Elder Choi, and Elder Olson...and I don't know them well at all.  We all sit at the same table for every meal, and they always sit at one end and I and my companion are usually at the other with Sister McComber, Sister Nelson, Elder Miller, Elder Messick, and Elder Porter...I love my zone!  Pictures will be coming!!!  Oh...and we're all going to be featured in the Korean Liahona soon...they took a picture for it on Sunday!
It was awesome...and not totally random, the MTC let us see the Stadium of Fire fireworks show on Saturday!!!  We had this big fireside that was amazing.  It was all about freedom and not taking it for granted.  They told some stories that are never going to leave our minds.  We all left really loving the United states!!!  and then they gave us chocolate covered ice cream bars, and let us stay up till almost midnight watching the fireworks from the MTC campus....it was packed!  It was so awesome though.  sister Myrick got this great video of the show and the audio is hilarious...its a bunch of the elders from our zone just making some very funny commentary of the whole thing!
Wow, I really type slow...hmmm....yeah, I miss my laptop...I typed much faster and better on it.  Thank you so much for the packages and the letters and my skirt getting fixed...if I had more time I'd have more detail.  Love you all!  Stay Awesome!
~Sister McClellan
P.s. Sorry for typos!

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