Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Wish List

Ok, I'm tired of everything right now!  I've been go go go go go go go go go alllllllllllll daaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!  It's been crazy!!!  I taught a mock lesson in my Elementary Music Methods class today, studied (and studied and studied) for an Art History test I have tomorrow, was in a recital and right after that I went straight to work (where the whole time I just couldn't wait to get home to study).  That might not sound like a lot, but believe you me, it is!  And I have a lot tomorrow too!!!  It was funny, after the recital we were all talking about how busy we were (oh, and on top of it all, I think I'm getting sick...I can't stop coughing and sneezing) my friend said she wanted to write a tragic opera about how I get sick, and die, and then I study till I die, and then I practice and practice and practice some more, and die, and perform, and die, and take a test, and die, all in a 24 hour period...(that story may or may not have something to do with something I may or may not have said right before she said she wanted to write the opera...and now we'll never know...dun dun dun!)  I'm going crazy...it's just that time of the school year.  So, I thought I'd take a little break from studying and mention a few things that make me happy...or could!  Here's my right now wish list:

1. I want to own and learn to play the ukulele (preferably green...due to my nearly six year desire to own a green acoustic guitar)

2. I want Michael Bublé to come and serenade me while I do my homework...or to be more realistic, I want all his albums!

So, that's what I wish for right now!  It's a short list right now, but that's ok...other than that I don't really want much else besides doing well in school.  Oh, that and I also wish I could find all my missing stuff...*sigh*  It's ok though, life is good when it's so busy it drives you to the loony bin...plus, I hear straight jackets are in this year!  hahahahaha, k, that was a bad joke!

Sooooooo....back to the studying till my brain falls out!


And now it's time for some happy songs!

One reason I want a ukulele...her songs are just so cute...her voice is way cute too!!

Michael Bublé!!!!!  LOVE that voice!!!!!  mmmmmmm :)

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