Monday, September 21, 2009

And yet another new calling!

So...hahaha...basically I got another new calling!
I got a calling and was sustained and everything last week--I was called as ward prayer chorister and I got to do my calling once before they gave me a new calling. I'm the Relief Society Compassionate Service Chair. I'm way excited, I get to make people happy and excited and it's my calling!!!
And apparently it has something to do with my roommate who is in the Relief Society presidency. My roommate, Deb got called as a Relief Society teacher.
Allison told us that she let the presidency know our "hidden talents"...I guess my calling my have something to do with the fact that I sort of made an award wall for our apartment...I'm so excited! I even get to have a case of soup for when people get calling has a case of soup with totally AWESOME is that?! woohoo!!!
So, yeah...that's my news...I'm super excited!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Manda....te felicito! You are good at what ever you do because you are so happy! love and thanx gm AND thanks for putting the Nephiha on the blog. xo
