Monday, September 28, 2009


I love Sundays. Church is so much fun (not to mention a great break from the week and life and everything. Well, with how much I love church, I do have to admit that staying awake is sometimes a challenge for me (especially during Sacrament meeting). So, to keep myself awake I generally draw. I drew a fun little tree this Sunday...I got a new scripture journal, and I love taking notes...especially during Relief Society and Sunday School, but it is a temptation to start drawing when you have paper in front of you, a pen in your hand, and you're me...but I think it's pretty cool.

Then after church I was so not wanting to finish up an analysis I had due Monday morning, so instead I decided to try to be creative and make the second of these little cut out things I'm working's the fall scene. The two girls is the first one I's in a black frame that has a mirror...I'll get scanned versions and better pictures of them in their frames soon. So yeah, that was Sunday...well, that and talking a lot to Shuey and staying up till 1 am talking to Scott McQueen...yeah, it was a very interesting night. But I LOVE Sundays!!!!

my first cut out thingy

the painting I used...It's one of my absolute favorites from BYU's collection!!!

My little Fall scene I made on Sunday (I had absolutely no clue if it would work or not)

It's what the above pic is based on...I found it on (best place ever!!!)


  1. love, love, love your stuff. please keep showing it!

  2. I feel like I am back in Maine sitting on our bed looking through your art folder. Be sure and add them, don't lose any. BUT I especially liked my Manda holding them with such cute expressions. We are on our way to Salt lake tomorrow, that time of year. later and love gm

  3. I love the fall scene! very nicely done!
