Thursday, October 23, 2008

Choir is the best!!! (dancing comes in an overlappingly close second!)

I love Choir!!!! It is seriously the BEST thing in the entire world...just to let you know!
We had a choir Halloween party tonight. I was there early for set up and late of clean up. There were some kuh-ray-zee costumes! But the part was a blast. We had way too much food, costume contests, kazoo and slide-whistle composition contests (only among music majors would that was hilarious), and then (the best part) a few girls and I started dancing...then EVERYONE was dancing...dancing is also the best. It's almost as good as choir. Well, I don't have pics from the party yet, cuz I don't gots a camera...sad. But that's why we have facebook, right? I won't have all the pics I wish I had, but some are better than none, right?
So, I got total swag from this shindig. I got a plastic camera, two packets of hot cocoa powder, a slide-whistle, a kazoo, and a rose from the Phantom of the Opera. night! But I kind of have to say that the dancing was my total favorite!
Costumes! K, there were some stellar costumes at this party. One guy dressed as Nacho Libre, another as a black woman (he's black, so it totally worked). We had the Phantom, Cher, Madonna, someone from the 20s, 50s and 80s, an "it" (or a Who from Whosville), a girl in a polka dot dress, an actual gay guy and his best friend as Will and Grace, a Korean in Korean clothes, a pimp (aka Hugh Hefner, aka Ruben from Ocean's 11), Little Red (me), a few people in totally random costumes, night! Oh, it was so cute, this girl and her hubby both made tie-die orange shirts with jack-o-lanterns drawn on them...I swear, they are the cutest newlywed couple ever!
Well, when I have pics I'll post more info...but tonight was a blast...I'm exhausted...Oh, but before I forget...I need to remind myself about writing, at least in my personal journal, about the Same-Sex Marriage debate I went to, the guy I met because I sang in institute, Chandler saying he was sorry for the whole standing me up and us potentially going out on Saturday, singing in Master Class today, getting complimented on my dancing at the party tonight, shopping with Ruthie today, my Spanish test last night, the two papers I have to write, Ruthie and Spencer, and I think that might be it....I need to remind myself cuz I'm really way tired (from dancing...woohoo) and I NEED to go to sleep soon or I'll fall asleep on my comp. Well, "the sun has gone to bed and so much I...Goodbye, Goodbye....Goodbye!!!!!"
~Little Red!

1 comment:

  1. I would love to see some pictures of this fun night... Sounds like you had a blast
