Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Date numero dos!!!

So, just got back from date number 2 w/ Chandler. We went to see Max Payne with Mike and their friend Cassy. (that spelling, knowing me, is probably wrong! oops!) That movie was weird!!! A little too gory for my tastes. Too much blood and too many guns!!! (I really hate guns!!!) But it was fun! After that we went and got Slurpees... what is it with those things...they don't even taste that great and they're soooo cold!!! The date was way fun! I like hanging out with Chandler and Mike! They're good guys who like Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog almost as much as I do! hahahaha...They always have the songs stuck in their heads, but they pretty much only like it cuz of Neil Patrick Harris. They don't even really know the people like Nathan Fillion, Marti Noxon, David Fury, etc., etc. or even Joss! I need to show them the light! Joss Whedon...well, he's pretty much one of my heroes!!! hahahaha..I'm a nerd and don't I know it!!! hahahahaha
Today's been good even though I have a pretty awful cold! It hasn't effected my voice, so all is well! I had a great voice lesson today and Spanish was way fun! We watched this movie, la dama del albas, I think. It's all about Death wanting to experience life. Pretty dramatic, intense movie. It was funny cuz it seemed so familiar. I didn't know how I knew what would happen next. Then I fell asleep (with the being sick and all) but I wasn't the only one....great movie and all, but it was originally a play, and it was kind of boring...a little. The story is awesome though! After the movie (I did wake up, thank goodness) we talked about it. During the conversation it hit me where I knew the story from. I had helped my mom with something having to do with that play for her Spanish 3050 class. It was cool, because after that realization I was able to have some pretty cool conversation about the movie with my teacher. Also I was the only one in the class who didn't have questions and knew the answers to the questions people did have! I love that class! Next Wednesday we are going to watch The Emperor's New Groove in Spanish. We were talking about Cuzco last time in class and were able to convince our teacher to let us watch it. He thought it'd be fun, so voila, Disney-ness! hahaha...I love that movie!
Well, since I'm still sick and all, I think I'll take some NyQuil and hit the hay. Big Institute breakfast party tomorrow morning. And guess what, Chandler's actually going to be in class! fun fun!!! Well, nightie night!

OH OH OH!!!! Oh my goodness!!!! I almost forgot!!!! I cut my own hair today!!! And (get ready for it...) it!!!!!!! yay!!! So now I don't think I'll ever go and pay way too much for haircuts I never really like! I can do it myself!!! Woohoo!!!!!!!!! yeah, just had to let you know!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you had a fun second date... you also looked really good in your Sarah Palin costume. Chloe was Gabriella from HSM. She wants to be a singer someday. She is here with me looking at blogs and wants Amanda to comment on hers sometime! Have a good day!
