Friday, October 17, 2008

This is for my wonderful Aunt Leanne

K, so I know it's pretty late, but I kind of have a migraine ad can't exactly get to sleep...So I thought I'd post. Ever since Leanne started following, I've started blogging more. I guess it's the little girl in me (y'know, the one who LOVED attention and was able to keep the spotlight forever...I like that girl!) Well, Leanne, this post is for you!!!!
First of all I love your blog! Whenever I read it it makes me super happy! I love how optimistic you are...I need to be more like that! I love how you love your family. I just really like you and love you and love reading the things you have to say!
Thank you so much for following my blog and actually reading it. I enjoyed having something no one really know about...something that was kind of a secret. But secrets like that tend to have a way of getting stale. I still don't really know why I started this...but hey..that's perfectly fine! It was funny because I was REALLY embarrassed when you started following this...It's the people pleaser in me. For some reason I feel the need for everyone to really like me...I got way scared when I thought someone would have read my quirky entries on television, Comic Con, vampires, etc. But it's me, and it's a part of me that I actually like... a lot! So thanks Leanne...thanks for reading this silly little blog and still liking me in spite of it! hahahahaha... I love you!
I really miss you guys! I read your post about Marci and it made me get all nostalgic and stuff. I remember when you guys lived around here and you had your little apartment and your little family. I loved watching and helping watch your kids! I loved how willing and eager Marci was to help with everything and how she didn't think it was weird to play dolls and watch cartoons with someone who seemed so much older than her. I loved being around Garrett. I don't think I will ever meet a person who doesn't just adore that kid from the get go! He is so much fun to be around and he loves including everyone and having everyone as a friend. I really loved being with Chole too! I still remember getting to be an angel with her in the Nativity one Christmas. There's this Greg Olsen painting that I just love that will forever remind me of being with Chloe...she's just so darling and sweet. I guess I never really got to know Liam...but every hand me down phone I get comes with at least one adorable picture of him! He is so cute and I love it when I get to see him! He seems to be a favorite of everyone's! It was way cool to hang out with Grant up in Idaho. Holy Cow that kid has energy! He just became my little friend...I loved it! I loved the way he and Emily got along...or kinda didn't. They were so cute was so funny because Emily would be doing something that Grant thought looked fun, so he'd do it too. Emily didn't always like that, so then she'd stop. Well, Grant would then find something else fun to do that Emily thought looked fun. So she'd start, but then, because she thought it was fun, she wanted Grant to stop. Oh my goodness, it was so cute to watch!!!!! I could have spent all day with those two...they both pretty much became my total favorites!!! I think Charly is just amazing! She just loves people, doesn't she? And I love all the pics I get to see of her!
Oh Leanne, I just adore you so much! I'm so glad my mom was able to have such amazing sisters like you! I love they way all of you do things! You are so amazing! I seriously want to be a lot like you when I get to be a mom!
Well, my head's throbbing has lessened, and I should really get to sleep...Ruthie, her friend Jaysun, Chandler (woohoo) and I are all going up to Salt Lake for sushi tomorrow's gonna be so much fun! I love college! It's pretty much the best!
Well, Leanne, hope to see you soon.

1 comment:

  1. Wow... a post dedicated just to me! I feel pretty special... thanks, and sorry if I ruined your secret blog... yes, things just tend to sneak out... but I think it's kinda fun to have people read my blog... of course I pour my heart out for all to read but there is something fun about people reading it.
    You shared some pretty nice words... thanks so much... You should go on a road trip one of these days with your friends and come to California... It's loads of fun here!
