Wednesday, October 15, 2008


K, so Ruthie and Spencer's date was a hit!!! I'm so freaking happy for both of them!!! Ruthie is awesome and has needed a nice, good Mormon boy to sweep her off her feet for a while!!! Also I have had the best day ever! I was kinda mopey earlier...for a while in was wearing on sorry girl, I love you!!! But then, the BEST thing happened: Chandler (aka institute boy) emailed me!!!! So, I emailed him first...big deal...but he emailed me back!!!!!!!!!! and with his number!!!!!!! Well, he told me to text him (and as we have preveously established, I don't have texting, grrr!) So, I told him that I have a ton of rollover minutes on my phone (which I do) so he should call me! Oh gosh...this is the closest thing I've had to a guy asking me on a date in FOREVER!!!!! I'm so freaking happy, excited, giddy, twitterpated, etc. etc!!! Plus, Ruthie likes being around me again!!! yay!!!! Well....see ya!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're going through the typical collage days! Aren't they fun.. full of wondering and liking way too many different boys... I completely understand.
    That's great that you are taking a mission prep class. I'm sure it is excellent...
    I have fun reading your blog... so keep the posts coming!
