Sunday, October 19, 2008

Wacky dreams....gotta love 'em!

So, my friend, Ethan, and I pretend we're spy/secret agents. He's Agent Timothy Pierce and I'm, Agent Evangeline Larkin. We mostly give each other missions having to do with learning some new piece of trivia or exploring and venturing into a new tv series the other person just loves. We even have a secret organization on facebook called Midpoint. It might sound a little lame, and granted, it probably is, but it's really a lot of fun!!! He's one of my best friends, I actually went to prom with him twice...hahaha. He's gonna leave on his mission soon, so this, I guess, is kind of a last hurrah for us!
Well, lately I've been having some pretty funky dreams, and there is one that I just thought was hilarious that I didn't want to forget. So, Ethan an I were spies in my dream. We had our names, clearance, files, guns, wires, etc...everything a spy has in the movies and on tv, we had it! So our mission was to get some computer files from this mafia type group in Japan...I think (dreams can be a little vague). Well, we were at a party. At first I was all American in a killer red cocktail dress and we were dancing, posing as a married couple (just like Bryce and Sarah in Chuck versus the Break-up), getting information and trying to find our enemies and stuff. Well, then all of the sudden we're in this hallway trying to break into the head mob guy's office and I'm all Japanese. I was still me, but I was in a kimono and had dark hair, brown eyes, no freckles, and was shorter, but I still looked like me. This kimono was pretty cool was all gold and super fancy. So we broke into the office and hacked onto his computer. We got the files but then the door started to open. Ethan, or actually Agent Pierce, got next to the door with his gun ready. He was still all American in a 007-y tux...very Bond actually. I was more Sydney Bristow from Alias I guess, with the kimono...the cocktail dress was totally Sarah Walker from Chuck. Well, the dream gets vague again there, but we ended up killing most of the Japanese mafia group, all spy like and what not, and getting the files we needed. The dream was a total mix of James Bond, Alias, and Chuck the whole way was so funny!
So there's my wacky dream adventure! Hahahaha...I think it's kinda sad that I dream in tv shows too.
Oh, this dream isn't as funny, but I told my mom today and it made her laugh. So I'm drawing each of the young women of the Damariscotta Branch for my mom. Well, it's been kind of hard cuz I'm not all that good using colors, I really like my pencil and charcoal, color is too messy. Well I had this weird dream where I was on the phone with my mom and she told me to just draw me for all of them. It seemed so real! I told her that I couldn't just draw me cuz I needed to draw the girls, but she insisted. When I told her again that I couldn't do that, she told me to just do the practice ones of myself. I told her that doing that would be a waste of time. I think I hurt my dream mom's feelings. Well, when I woke up I was really confused. I kept thinking the conversation over and over. It didn't take me too long to realize that it didn't make sense, but it actually wasn't until I was on the phone with my mom today (and I had the dream a couple of nights ago) that I was positive that we had never actually had that conversation. My dreams are so weird! hahahaha
Well, I sadly just finished watching BtVS season 1 again...I have no idea how many times I've seen that, but it's kind of the only show that I don't get distracted by cuz I already know it all and have most of it memorized. How sad! hahahaha
Well, I'm finally tired! Getting to sleep has been kind of hard for me during this break! I'm so glad I have school tomorrow!!! Good night!
~the nerdy (it might have been I while, but I'm still a nerd) Manda

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