Thursday, January 28, 2010

Aren't dad's the greatest?!

K, so I love my dad!!!

I've had a rather depressing type week.  Things just are not going according to plan most of the time, but none of that mattered today...cuz I got to talk to my daddy!!!!  I love him so so much!  Talking to him made me feel like I'm the prettiest and the smartest, the coolest and the funniest...He made me feel so sure of myself, a normally common surety that I have been sorely missing as of late.  Thanks dad!!!

Now, typically I don't listen to Country music.  It's just not my favorite, but every once in a while you get a song, no matter the genre, that is just perfect!  I found that song today on a mix that my roommate had playing in her car on our way to Walmart.  So yeah, here's Rodney Atkins's Watching's way sweet, you should listen to it, even if (like me) you don't typically listen to or even like Country.


1 comment:

  1. And this song! I want to share it with grandpa...what I want to do is buy it and give it to him....i tll like it a bunch.
