Saturday, January 9, 2010

Steady diet of sickness, school, and most importantly Chuck!!!

Ok, if you all don't know this about me, I really dislike being a whole lot!!!!!! It's so utterly pointless! I mean, sure, if it doesn't kill you then it makes your immune system stronger, but come ON!!!! I've been living off of cough drops and soup for about 3 days now and all it's done is gotten worse! (I've also become completely addicted to peanut butter m&m's....maybe they made me sick...naw, they're so delicious, they could never be evil! hahaha)

On happier notes, I am SO excited for this semester. It's my last and I am in some AMAZING classes!!!! I got into chamber choir again (see cough, you tried hard, but FAILED!!! bahahaha) And I'm in opera workshop again, and this semester we get to work on German (woohoo!!!) I'm SUPER excited for my art and music history classes, they are gonna ROCK!!! My other classes are ok too, but those are the ones I'm excited for!

And very exciting news from TV-land...Chuck comes back TOMORROW!!!! With a 2 hour special and the next episode airing the next day!!! So, three episodes of Chuck-styled goodness in a two day period! Man, life is good!!!!!

So, that's all that's going on with me...I think I'm gonna take some more meds, drink something hot, and get back in bed, cuz I feel disgusting!!!!! See ya'll later! Love ya!


1 comment:

  1. I can feel how happy you are and can see the sparkle in your eye even though you are sick. I would like to take care of everyone of you that has been down with the cough, laryngitis, sinus infection, head ache just so many things. I just want to run for your medicine/drink, cook some "sick eggs" and hold you. Pray you are feeling better today. gm
