Sunday, January 31, 2010


So with the split of our relief society into two relief societies I lost my calling as compassionate service leader.  But today I got a new calling as Sunday School chorister.  So I'm probably gonna look a little something like this every Sunday:

but probably not...probably more like this:

Ok, not that either.  But I'm pretty excited.

So today I pretty much woke up late and was a few minutes late to Relief Society as a result.  I was given a few minutes alone time because of this and I decided to pray, like a really heartfelt prayer.  I told myself to not worry about the time I took on the prayer, because unfortunately I don't allow myself enough time to really converse with God and I rush through my prayers.  This was interesting because I at first didn't know what to say.  I normally (to my disappointment) say almost the same things.  I think before I speak, but not a whole lot...I'm not creative in the way I speak to my Heavenly Father, which is sad, because if you think about it, I'm creative when I talk to friends and family (I want them to think of me as smart/clever...and I mean, c'mon, who doesn't want that?!) and I try to be creative in my writing (there is nothing that bugs me more than reading something I have written and finding it to be dull, full of the same words, and completely repetitive to the point of redundancy.) So (to get to my original point) why would I not allow myself the opportunity to be creative, eloquent, and literate when speaking to my Heavenly Father.

Well, after the moments of complete speaker's block (like writer's block but when you're speaking) I remembered what I had talked with my group about at my EFY counselor interview, so I began to share what I was grateful for, pushing all the things I wanted to ask for out of my mind and focusing on gratitude.  I shared how grateful I was to be able to spend time with my friend, Shuey, last night.  Even though all we did was study, him nursing and me music (not much gets entertaining when we try to share things we're studying) I was grateful to be reminded that I actually do have friends.  I shared my gratitude for giving me roommates last semester who I'm still in contact with and who think about me fondly and who I think about fondly and miss often.  I shared gratitude for my current roommates and for the opportunity that having them will give me to grow.  My hair, my room, my ward, my education, my absolutely wonderful, caring family, my friends, the opportunity I had to run into Ruthie the other day at school, gum, jewelry, make-up, music, and a few other things were other things I stated my gratitude for.  I then asked.  I was surprised because normally there are three people I pray for everyday, but this morning I didn't stop at three.  I kept going to include all my old roommates, new roommates, people that have recently really touched my life, people that I don't really like too much, and every member in my family (and all by name, asking for blessings specific to them).  I then asked for help to be a better instrument in his hands and for help to more fully keep his commandments.  Now, I ask for those things for myself often, but today, after concentrating on gratitude and service for my friends and family the blessings I asked for myself took on greater meaning.

Well, after that I went to church and caught the last 20 minutes of Relief Society (after running into an old bishop's wife, Sister Bradford and catching up with her).  After Relief Society a member of the bishopric pulled me aside and extended me a calling to be a Sunday School chorister.  (Check it out, immediate blessings for sincere prayer!!!) And I'm excited.  I got sustained in Sacrament meeting and set apart right after church.  I'm happy to have a calling again and I am going to magnify it awesomely!!!

Well, that's all!


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