Monday, January 25, 2010

Finally: First Voice lesson of the Semester!!!

So I finally had my first voice lesson of the semester at 8:00 this, that's really early.  Granted, I was at school everyday at 8 last semester, but I have two days that start at 10, and two that start at 9 this semester...and let me tell you, it is BLISS!!!!  I love starting school later!!!!!  Sure, you don't get done with school as fast when you start later, but you do get more sleep...and it is soooo nice!  But, it was  really good voice lesson, especially considering that due to recently being sick half the time I open my mouth to sing no sound comes out, or it's really breathy.  (I seriously CANNOT WAIT to be healthy again!!!)  And now I have a whole list of vocal work for this week...sweeeeet!!!!!

So I've been working on dressing nicer.  I'm hoping it might help me in my endeavor to lose weight.  I've had a very difficult time keeping my weight down for winter, but that is NOT going to stop me!  I will lose weight, you mark my words!!!!!

So yeah, my next class is in 17 minutes and I still have a few things to do before I head on over there.  So that's gonna be all I write today.  Love you all!



  1. I made my schedule start at noon while I went to school. Then, I didn't have to figure out when to get ready for the day with five other girls. I got to sleep in and use the computer after they all left (if I hadn't finished yet). Then, I was done at 5pm. I liked it. It was a lot of fun and not that much happened between noon and 5pm except my roommates did their homework.
    I highly recommend it.
    I hope you feel better soon.
    I love reading your posts and getting to know you better. =)

  2. Love you too! I want to hear you sing again. I am so happy that you are happy. gm
