Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mission...yikes! (but in a good way)

So, ever since I made my tv blog ( I've stopped really paying attention to this one! I'm sorry my humble readers! My life has just been on the rather mundane side lately. I haven't been on cool adventures or had cool dreams and all my time and energy are focused on school, church, work, and my other blog (and yes, generally in that order). I just keep thinking about my mission lately...And aside from the obvious thoughts of eager, terrified, anticipation I keep coming across this one thought: it's gonna be a year and a half without! If I didn't know I was going to be working hard and being all missionary-y I don't think I'd believe I could do it...but I do believe I can. I wonder what I'll be like when I come back. Will I still love tv the way I do? Art? Music? Will I still be on my life search of trying to be an adult while at the same time not losing childlike curiosity and innocence? I just keep thinking of the person I'll be after a mission. I'll probably be the same, just better, yeah, that's probably exactly who I'll be.

K, I'm gonna go now, cuz I'm freezing and I still have a bedroom to finish cleaning. But yeah, if you like tv you should check out my other blog and let me know what you think...but only if you think it's cool, I don't think I'm ready to be receiving harsh criticisms quite yet. See ya!


1 comment:

  1. Hi Manda! Yes you will be the same and better eternally for the experience. I can't wait for your call, and for you to come home. gm
