Monday, February 15, 2010

IT"S FINALLY HERE...but it's over now

Yes, fave holiday has come and pretty much gone now.  It was fun!  I sang in Relief Society (Where Love Is from the Primary Songbook) and I had my pretty much awesome brunch.  I invited A LOT of people to come (like really, really a lot) but we had our friends from apartment 50 come and some guys...I can't remember what apartment they were from, and a guy that we a gave a ride home from church.  Yeah, pretty much a party! It was so fun, seriously!  We had pancakes and French toast, heart shaped sausages (it was sooooo gross cutting those in the shape of hearts with cookie cutters and then crumbling the rest...just...ewwww...but they were really yummy!!!), scrambled eggs with sausage in it (those were all gone before I could start eating :( but that means they tasted really good :) and that makes me very happy), orange/mango juice, apple juice (that was from pressed was some of the best apple juice I've EVER tasted!!!), oranges, bananas...yeah, TOTAL feast!!!  I made everything but the pancakes (Carmen made those...I taught her how to make circle pancakes every time instead of funny shapes...and she had so much more patience than me so they looked absolutely PERFECT: golden and totally fluffy...jealous!)  It was awesome having so many people eating (and loving) all the food I made!!!  I used a carton and a half of eggs, about a fourth a gallon of milk (maybe more), a loaf and a half of bread (really delicious white bread...the heavy kind from the Sunflower Farmers Market...YUMMMMM!!!)  There was mucho mucho good food!  IT was a BLAST to cook it all and have all those people here.

Well, Fernanda took a lot of pics, so I'll probably have those up soon.  I hope you all had a wonderful Valentines day!!!


1 comment:

  1. I did too, my Manda....Scotts were here - and just enjoyed your valentine blog. gm
