Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My yesterday Adventure

So, I was sick in January...started the second day of school.  I went to the doctor, got all medded up, took all the antibiotics, and went on my merry way...singing(tra-la-la). And then one tiny detail got in my way...a cough!  I've had a cough for a month now and it's been making singing very difficult.  During my voice lesson Monday morning (yeah, 8am is still early!) my teacher and I became concerned, so I made the decision to visit the clinic yet again (it's starting to become a second home to me...haha, not really, but close...hahahaha).  I made an appointment for 2 the next day (which was yesterday).

Yesterday after choir I decided I'd get some lunch while I waited.  I ran into three friends from choir, so we all ate together and had a pretty fun time doing it (and being total music geeks, what with the talking about the problems and potential problems in the music dept, vocal vs. instrumental music, composers, musicians, popular styles vs. classical...yeah, geeks, and proud of it!).  By the time we were done eating I still had an hour and ten minutes before my appointment.  I checked in anyway (cuz what are waiting rooms for if not to wait?)  Slowly other people trickled into the waiting room and each in turn followed my example of pulling out his laptop (they were all guys, I am being gender specific...if it was guys and girls I would be grammatically incorrect and have said "their" cuz I like the way it's always sounded better to me than "his/her" where was I?) I had expected to have to wait for a while so I upgraded the access agent for the school server and while that was happening I decided that I'd watch and episode of Buffy (yeah, I didn't decide to do homework...I'm bad like that *sad*)

Well this one guy was having problems connecting to the internet, so I went over to help him.  Turns out he was trying to connect to the secured server which doesn't work (you need to connect to the open server and then you download the access agent and sign in through that's what I told him...he didn't really get it.)  As I was showing him how to connect they called me into my appointment (about an hour before it was supposed to happen...sweeeeet!!!)

Well, my doctor was the same guy who helped me when I was sick in January, which was nice, cuz he pretty much already knew what was going on and didn't make me tell him my whole story.  He said that I might have a mix of left-overs from when I was sick, and possible allergies.  So he put me on an inhaler and told me to get some Claritin.  I then left the clinic and headed to Wallgreens for some happy new medicine (to take in addition to the medicine I'm still taking from an earlier thing...yeah, lots and lots of medicines, yuck!)

So now I'm here posting because I think it's a combo of nerdy/cool to have an inhaler. I've always thought they were kind of weird things.  Normally the kids who had them (when I was little) couldn't run too much in kickball (my favorite game as a kid) and they were usually really scrawny and had mousy hair and glasses (and then I look at pics of me back then...yeah, I'm not sure how I thought I was cooler than anyone...hahahahahaha).  But, as a kid there was always a mystery to me of why they had them, what they did, what was in them (I thought it was air...silly me...hahaha)...they were always sort of cool in this incredibly odd sort of way (like how people who don't wear glasses always want to try people's glasses on...that sort of thing).  But yeah, I have an inhaler now, and I take 3 different medicines everyday right now...and that's weird to me (normally I only take medicine when I have a yeah, this is different).

yeah, me as one of the kids I described above...I've never been super cool...
but I thought it was funny...I read comics (Manga, no less), I wear glasses, 
I wear kind of nerdy clothes a lot (I don't ever wear my hair like that tho) 
and now I have an makes me happy!  I'm a TOTAL, stereotypical
looking nerd now...kind of awesome!

So those are my adventures from yesterday!  Kind of odd, but I enjoy them!


1 comment:

  1. Well, I am relieved I went to your mother's problem and her voice. Don't do that to me, I feel sad about Lynda's gift. Take care of yourself...what i see when I read your blog is how well you write. love gm
